Friday, January 1, 2010

Thanking my lucky stars

January the 1st is always a day when you can look back and reflect. Reflect on life in general and relationships. Today, as I saw off my friends at the airport as they return to China, I thanked my lucky stars that I have good friends, people whose company I enjoy, and people whom I don't mind camping in my house for three weeks. It was sad saying goodbye. Keeping friendships going via email is not the same as seeing people in person. I had to wonder whether or not I'll ever see them again.
This got me thinking about the different types of people we have relationships with. By this I mean friendship relationships, not sexual ones. Sometimes you meet someone whom you just gel with. You live in each other's pockets, you are inseparable, and then, for no specific reason you just move apart. You develop friendships with other people. You move on, and this is okay.
Then you have friends who fall more into the acquaintance category. People you know to chat to, sometimes socialze with, but not people you'll lose sleep over if you never see them again.
Some friends can be a positive influence on you, and others a negative influence. I have this one acquaintance at work who is very negative about everything - where we work, live, people we work with. Every morning I hear her gripes, caustic comments and it rubs off. I start to have negative thoughts about my job and where I work. But then, when I'm with someone who sees things in a positive light, I immediately feel more positive.
I guess, the point I'm trying to make, is try and surround yourself with positive people as it does rub off on you. If you are already in this great position, then thank your lucky stars.
Wishing all of you a prosperous and positive 2010!


  1. My dear Cindy, I am very grateful you took your time and effort to read a part of my story about my previous student on my blog. Thank you for your kind comment, I don't think her Dad was aware what was happening to her and was not used to her change of behaviour in their new often happens...
    I like your blog very much, are you teaching in China? I would like to know more about you. I will visit you on hubpages as well and also I would like to send you link to my Mother/Daughter story, I know you will like it...all the best from Beata

  2. Hi Beata
    I left China last year and am currently teaching in Tanzania. I'll have a look at your story!
